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2024-05-08 19:23:12 [娱乐] 来源:眼穿心死网


靠近大树好乘凉。黑英 Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 不要砍倒给你阴凉的语邱勇大树。 Where there is 黑英sunshine, there is also shade. 有阳光的地方就有阴影。 One generation plants the trees,语邱勇 another gets the shade. 前人栽树,后人乘凉。黑英 Jade can't become article until it had been cut and polished 玉不琢不成器。语邱勇 Business is 黑英on the up grade. 生意兴隆。 Flowers of true friendship never fade. 友谊之花永不凋谢。语邱勇 Beauty will fade,黑英 but not goodness. 美貌会凋谢,但美德不会。语邱勇 Learn to say no to people that invade your privacy. 学会对侵犯你的黑英隐私的人说不。 We can evade reality,语邱勇 but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality. 我们可以逃避现实,但不能逃避现实带来的黑英结果。 姐妹进城 1.背口诀记单词 姐妹进城去haircut(理发) 没钱提一筐chestnut(栗子) * 河边有一排coconut(椰子) * 姐说树荫是语邱勇shortcut(捷径) * 妹刚开口要rebut(反驳) * 口里被塞个peanut(花生) * 2.识音标,记单词 haircut n.理发,黑英 剪发的方式,发型。 chestnut n.栗子water chestnut(菱) ,栗子树,栗色马,栗色,陈腐的 笑话;adj . 栗色的,红棕色的。 coconut n.椰子,椰子肉。 shortcut n.捷径。 rebut v.反驳,驳回,拒绝,击退,举出反证。 peanut n.花生peanut oil(花生油) ,peanut butter(花生酱); [pl. ] 极小的 数目;adj . 微不足道的, 渺小的, 不重要的。 3.邻里邻外 haircut把haircut里的cut换为do变为:hairdo n.发型 , 发式 chestnut把chestnut里的nut换为y变为:chesty adj .胸丰满的, 骄傲 的 shortcut把shortcut里的cut换为hand变为:shorthand n.速记 rebut把rebut里的t换为s变为:rebus n.(猜字的)画谜 peanut把peanut里的nut换为cock变为:peacock n.孔雀 4.佳句背诵 The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is about a week 好发型和坏发型区别只有一周。 Don't ask the barber whether you need a haircut. 不要问理发师你该不该理发。 Don't pull the other's chestnuts out of the fire. 不要为别人火中取栗, 替别人冒险。 A fly does not mind dying in coconut. 苍蝇不介意死在椰子里。 He who plants a coconut tree plants food and drink, vessels and clothing 种椰子数就是栽种食品和饮料,容器和衣物。 Any expert is a shortcut to success. 专家是成功的捷径。 A shortcut is the longest distance between two points. 捷径是两点之间最长的距离

